Audit Committee

The Audit Committee comprises Nathan Imlach (Chair), Rachel Haworth and Mike Jones. The Audit Committee is a key element of the governance structure and operates under the delegated authority of the Board. The responsibilities of the Audit Committee are outlined within its terms of reference, which are reviewed annually and approved by the Board. The Committee’s primary responsibilities are to review the reporting of financial and other information, to review the effectiveness of the Group’s internal and external audit processes, and to review the effectiveness of the Group’s internal financial systems and controls.

The Committee meets not less than two times a year and meetings are normally attended by representatives of the external and internal auditors. The Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer are invited to attend at the Committee’s request. The presence of other senior executives from the Group may be requested. The Committee meets with representatives of the external auditors, without management present, at least once a year.