Home improvements can be all about boosting your homes functionality and optimising but also upgrading your spaces by redecorating and changing up your home’s style.

Now is a great time to start home improvements ready for the change in seasons, making the most out of the remaining warmer days we have can provide the ideal setting for painting, DIY and structural improvements.

Larger home improvements may be costly, however it could add value to your home when you decide to sell. But not all projects have to break the bank, whether you try a hand at DIY or try smaller and more affordable changes.

Here are five ideas of what you can do around your home:


Declutter your spaces

Decluttering and reorganising your belongings can help you get rid of unnecessary items and gives your home more of a light, airy and clean feeling. But don’t neglect your outdoor spaces, this includes your garage and shed. Removing unwanted clutter is a great way to improve your home utilization, storage, and overall feel. You could even donate or sell these items to fund your home improvements or summer activities.

Increase existing storage space

Increasing storage space is another simple improvement throughout your home. It could be as small as incorporating labelled storage containers in cupboards and draws to organise household items. Or you could add shelving units or build a bookcase to store books, trinkets, and home décor.


Does your home need a new lick of paint? If you don’t fancy painting an entire room, how about an accent wall or a kitchen refresh. Painting walls, cupboards, or even a shed can brighten your home making it feel more open and even add a splash of colour.

Complete any outdoor tasks

Not all home improvements are fun, but they need to be done. Checking the gutters and the structural conditions of your home should be on that list. Before the colder weather hits, it’s a good idea to see what needs fixing or improving.

Give your outdoor space some love

There are endless ways to revamp your garden to get it ‘Pinterest ready’. Whether it be maintaining the pristine green lawn, creating a space full of flowers to attract pollinating bees and butterflies, a dining space with decking or even jet washing your front driveway.


Depending on the scale of the home improvements or renovation the price will vary. If you are wanting to make a big change in your home, you may consider remortgaging to fund this.

Our advisers can help guide you through the process and find the right deal for you based on your circumstances. Give us a call or contact us today!