
What does retrofitting mean?

As the world’s focus hones in on sustainable living, the term ‘retrofitting’ is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the context of creating green homes.
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What’s a green mortgage?

A green mortgage is a new incentive designed to encourage homebuyers to think of the environmental impact of their homes. And while there’s a lot of information out there, not enough people are talking about green mortgages.
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The UK’s path to net zero

The UK announced its 2050 net zero goal in 2021, and while this news was met with applause, there was also a healthy level of concern, especially in the housing industry.
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What does a sustainable home look like?

Sustainable home improvements serve several important functions. From reducing your monthly bills to helping to protect the environment, even the smallest change can make a big difference
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What’s an EPC rating?

Energy prices are rising and a low EPC rating may be contributing to how much you’re paying for your power.
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Easy things you can do to save energy in your home

Follow this list of tips to save energy, and more importantly - money, in your home.
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